Insights into recovery -- from anything

When a well-respected psychologist loses his license after a very brief, very consensual relationship with a former client and it is publicized in the newspapers, he is cast into the hell of shame, humiliation and disgrace. His redemptive journey can shine a light on how any one of us can turn a disaster into a blessing.

Learn how to say “Yes!” to your mess!

What do you do when you screw up really badly? How do you plot your way forward when you have lost your status, dignity and yourself? How do you deal with your own self-criticism or flight into victimhood as well as fake news and haters? How do you stop the anger and revenge fantasies?

The journey to redemption is both painful and inspiring and along the way you will learn the secrets to acceptance and grace.

Includes the God’s Secret Shoppers workbook for those seeking redemption and their support networks which shows…

  • The 20 Actions that Lead to Redemption
  • Why Redemption is not About Self-Esteem
  • What You Absolutely Must Do to Heal
  • How to Support Someone’s Redemptive Journey
  • Why God is a Coach not a Therapist
  • And much, much more!

Dr. Howard Rankin was a prominent psychologist with a practice that combined neuroscience and whose work was featured in major print and television media. He appeared on CNN, ABC’s 20/20 and The View. But where is he now? And how did he get there?

Are you trying to reconstruct your life?

Are you trying to break free from addiction?

Are you fed up with stupid decisions?

Are you haunted by your past?

If so, this book is for you

Do you know how to find self-compassion?If so, this book is for you.

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Seneca

“Any fool can be happy. It takes a man with real heart to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep.” — Clive Barker

What They Are Saying

“Dr. Rankin’s experience and expertise provide THE road-map for anyone needing to move from disgrace to grace—hell to redemption.”

– Dr. Lisa Ortigara Crego, author of Releasing Your Obsession Series

“A truly insightful guide for anyone harboring guilt and shame.” — Fr. Ron Farrell.

A Sampling of Amazon reviews

David Riklan
5.0 out of 5 stars A great book for anybody that wants to learn How to Redeem Themselves Reviewed in the United States on April 19, 2022 Verified Purchase.

If you or someone you know wants to learn How to Redeem themselves (from shame, disgrace or humiliation), you should read Dr. Howard Rankin’s new book, Falling to Grace: The Art and Science of Redemption

There are many great self-help books out there which provide very valuable insights on human behavior, “therapies” and the field of self-help in general. I have recently come across another one, which not only addresses the issue of how to deal with very difficult situations but also puts the challenges of being in the self-help field into perspective.

Dr. Howard Rankin’s book Falling to Grace: The Art and Science of Redemption is based on his experience of losing his psychology license nine years ago, after a very brief, consensual sexual encounter with a former client. His case was highlighted in the newspapers and publicized by the American Psychological Association.

Howard outlines how he addressed the problem and uses the story to help anyone struggling with shame, disgrace and humiliation. He emphasizes courage, patience, authenticity, honesty, responsibility and humility. And once Dr. Rankin changed his mindset from revenge to seeking to make meaning out of his predicament, amazing things happened. It’s heart wrenching and heart warming.

The backstory is also very relevant for those of us working in the self-help industry. Howard shares his experiences of facing a Board hearing, and highlights the severe challenges and what he sees as the contradictions in the process that any licensed health professional needs to be aware of.

5.0 out of 5 stars A guidebook that all would benefit from Reviewed in the United States on April 21, 2022 Garett Biss Verified Purchase. Thank goodness someone had the courage to share such a potentially devastating story with the transparency and humility that allows the reader to feel a personal connection with Howard’s emotional journey through hell and back into the light.

This is a book anyone would benefit from reading. Some of us have made grave mistakes in our past that redefine our personal identity and change the trajectory of our lives. I work with many people in addiction recovery that have had such an experience as the catalyst that sent them on a path to rock bottom. For those who have survived such an experience, Falling to Grace is a guidebook for triumph and for becoming better than we were before.

For those who haven’t suffered a life re-defining fall, this book is a treasure of science and application to overcome the daily struggle to be the best version of ourselves. These lessons from the trenches of emotional despair provide invaluable tools for anyone seeking to experience self-love, self-acceptance, and to fulfill a journey toward reaching their full potential.

Dr. Rankin’s inspirational story featured in the May edition of Psychology Today